Move over, chef’s kitchens. Functional outdoor space is the new must-have for 2023 home buyers. Zillow data finds backyards are now being mentioned 22% more often in for-sale listings compared to last year, suggesting this once overlooked area will be one of the most sought-after spaces in the coming year. The evolution of the backyard tops Zillow’s top five home trends to watch in 2023, based on Zillow’s data and analysis.

Backyards move to the forefront

The humble backyard, once overshadowed by chef’s kitchens and walk-in closets, is the new luxury for today’s home buyers. Backyards are now highlighted in 1 out of every 5 Zillow listing descriptions. Mentions of patios and pools also surged, up by more than 13% and 11%, respectively, in 2022. 

“The rising popularity of outdoor features suggests the pandemic has changed the way we want to live for good, priming the backyard for a 2023 evolution,” said Amanda Pendleton, Zillow’s home trends expert. “When the pandemic forced all entertaining outdoors, homeowners reclaimed their backyards from the kids or the dogs. Now they’re rethinking how that space could serve as an extension of their home in new, creative ways.” 

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